Looks like, CNBLUE will not be getting a lot of rest as soon as Heartstrings filming ends. Following Kpop All Star Live in Niigata on August 20 is another event which the band will be performing in.
@fncmusicjapan –【CNBLUE】 急遽!!8/22(月)開催「めざましライブ」への出演が決定いたしました!チケットは明日20日12時より発売となります。詳細はお台場合衆国2011サイトをご確認ください。odaiba.com ※今回、FC枠の受付はございません
[Trans]【CNBLUE】Hurry! August 22 Mezamashi Live casting! Tickets will be available from 20 August at noon tomorrow. Click here for more info> odaiba.com
* Mezamashi Live is held by a TV station (Fuji-TV) everyday during summer. Its like an outdoor showcase. CNBLUE will be performing for 15 minutes (17:45 -18:00).
– @ktcBurning & @TAMAGOcnbjnl
Source: FNC Music Japan, odaiba.com
Translated by: @ktcBurning on Twitter
Shared by: F @ cnbluestorm