HomeVideosMy KPop Room Chapter 6:Nicky's room!, News, Videos , Korea Songs, KPop Room My KPop Room Chapter 6:Nicky's room!, News, Videos , Korea Songs, KPop Room Unknown 0 Tinfy Movie Our blog's reader Nicky sent us some photos of her KPop room.It is obvious that she is a VIP (Big Bang's fan),take a look at her Big Bang goodies,jealous right?She is currently studying in Australia,all the best in your study,Nicky!Get connected to her on Twitter! (@hana8biscuit ) Tags Korea Songs NEWS Videos Facebook Twitter Whatsapp Share to other apps My KPop Room Chapter 6:Nicky's room!, News, Videos , Korea Songs, KPop Room Korea Songs Newer Older [NEWS] GIRLS GENERATION'S FIRST PHOTOBOOK FOR IPHONE IS RELEASED, News, Videos , Korea Songs, snsd