Ticket information
Saturday, August 20th, 2011
Early Bird ticket sale at Total Reservation, The Emporium branch.
TIPS!!! 5 Big Cola lids will get 500 baht discount per seat and get B1A4 T-Shirt!!
August 21st - September 14th, 2011
Ticket pre-sale at every branch of Total Reservation.
Special promotion, for fans who but ticket in the pre-sale round, 5 Big Cola lids will get 500 baht discount per seat.
September 15th - October 15th,2011
Ticket public sale at Total Reservation, HomePro, KTC touch.
Special promotion, 5 Big Cola lids will get 300 baht discount per seat.
Note: This promotion is available at Total Reservation only. Tickets will be sold in normal price.
1.Every seat of 4000-baht tickets will get chance to touch B1A4's hands.
2.First 300 fans who buy 4000-baht tickets will get signed CD from B1A4.
***1 fan can buy only 2 tickets***
Venue: Impact Hall 1

Date: October 15, 2011
Seating Plan:

Total Reservation Contact Info:
Call Center: 02-833-5555
Fax: 02-833-5272
Email: info@totalreservation.com
Source: Total Reservation Thailand
Reupload, translation credits: CAPTAIN, Creamaya @ FLIGHTB1A4.COM
Take out with full credits to the source and translators, re-uploaders.